this week was filled with goucher spring traditions- or at least, we had both of our annual two. gala, the big formal dance, was on a boat in the harbor. it was really fun to see everyone dressed up. no one went overboard or got seasick (to my knowledge), so i'd say it was a success. yesterday was Get Into Goucher Day (GIG), an annual festival that included a huge BBQ, a bunch of inflatable moon-bounce things, a concert by ted leo and the pharmacists, and almost every single person in the goucher community enjoying themselves outside. although for many it is about getting away with drinking in public, my favorite part is just being able to hang out with literally all of your friends at one time. the music was great, the weather held up, and i enjoyed almost every minute of it (i got a little worried when people began shoving each other to start a mosh pit at the concert...). i am bummed that i'll be missing these iconic goucher classics next spring, but it will make them that much more special senior year.
this morning i volunteered at the great kite fly, which was attended by over 200 local children. i wasn't too helpful in assisting their kite-flying, but it was sure fun to play with the kids. this evening i'll be half-participating in relay for life, an american cancer society fundraiser, and then retiring to do some homework. it is accepted applicants' day on monday, which means i will be giving two tours and talking to many prospective students as they make their college decision. ron paul will be speaking that evening- that should be interesting....

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hi auni, i'm procrastinating and your blog is interesting. your pictures are good too, i like the last one especially. i was amazed timmy was that tall until i realized he is a step above you :)
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