other bright spots of the week included taking a tour of the massive construction project at my school, called the athenaeum. my mentor for a leadership program is the architect, and she took me around the site. it was awesome. i am really pumped for this building to open in a little over a year! photos are below. i also had the opportunity to meet the acclaimed anthropologist edie turner today. the wife of victor turner (possibly one of the most famous anthropologists of all time) and the mother of rory turner (my anthro professor), she has published five books since she turned 65. the british native did fieldwork all over africa, in mexico, and in ireland. she told us some hilarious stories, sang "america the beautiful," shared her adorable laugh, and gave us a long list of very specific things to bring with us when we do fieldwork. it was a delight.
i was toying with the idea of going to the transmodern art festival this weekend, a non-stop performance art marathon at a venue called "load of fun." (i think the rain and the amount of work i have to do have killed that plan, though) i love that baltimore offers such rich art experiences nearly every weekend. the festival of maps is also taking place right now, through june, and a lecture, event or opening seems to occur every day. i love baltimore so much!
i am off to d.c. again tomorrow to spend the day in the national portrait gallery for a paper in my art history class. i hope to see some cherry blossoms while there too! goucher's one big traditional, formal dance will be on sunday... that should be an adventure too!
have a great weekend.

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