
snowstorms + other news

first, some good news: i got a job! a real job! i feel like i've finally secured a place for myself in the real world. i'll be working at the maryland humanities council, an awesome nonprofit located in baltimore that puts on public lectures, forums, and other educational events. i'll be helping to coordinate the national history day contest in the state of maryland. history day is an annual history competition for middle and high school students; students research a topic and then produce a video, performance, exhibit or paper. the goal is to make it to the national competition, held in june at the university of maryland. i was lucky to participate in it when i was in high school and am so excited to help other kids enjoy it. i genuinely think winning a free trip to DC made me realize how much research and academic efforts could pay off, and thus encouraged me to work harder in college. it is only 20 hours a week but i think it will be exactly the type of work i would like to be doing. i'm also working 20 hours a week in the office of student engagement at goucher, filling in for the program assistant/receptionist who is out on medical leave through march. i am also toying with some other opportunities: i was offered a position in visitor services at the maryland zoo, i might intern/apprentice with an urban planning firm (no pay, though), or do something else to earn some income and have fun.

now, onto the bad news: according to the baltimore sun, "Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport has recorded more than 6 feet, 7 inches of snow [this season]. That is nearly four and a half times our annual average. Plenty of locations in Central Maryland saw more. We have had three big storms averaging 21.8 inches each at BWI. Nothing like that has ever been recorded here. We have witnessed the snowiest winter, the snowiest February and the snowiest month on record for the city." as this indicates, the massive amounts of snow recently have pretty much dominated my life. i haven't been to work in a whole week! most days i've been able to take a walk and enjoy the beautiful downy white covering everything, but yesterday we experienced a blizzard and were ordered to stay inside at all costs. it was literally illegal to drive in baltimore yesterday, except for emergency vehicles! winds were up to 50 mph, thrashing our 30"+ inches of snow around. scary stuff. we are very lucky to have had our power, heat and plenty of food this whole time, so for the most part it's been quite cozy. i've caught up on lots of movies, reading, baking, crafting, blog-reading, etc. however, i'm getting pretty antsy to get out and do something soon!

i hope to take some more photos of the damage today...the winds yesterday sure kicked up some pretty patterns!

happy valentine's day, and happy 2010 olympics!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My name is Tom, I live in Fort Worth, TX.

I am here to network / interact with other people for sharing knowledge, discussing ideas, seeking advice, find business partners & the like.

Keep smiling!