i left my room for a minute and came back to find johannes playing with my computer AND cell phone at the same time!

i am happy to report that although today was grey, cold and rainy and i had two midterm exams and two papers to hand in, it was a good day!
i’m usually not so great at relaxing but this weekend i thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to do so. my host family was out of town visiting relatives so i had the house to myself all weekend. besides the typically regretful meals i made for myself, it was actually quite nice. i slept in, rode a bike (how danish!!) around my neighborhood, bought a loaf of bread at the local bakery, had a friend over, wrote a paper at my leisure, caught up with loved ones on skype, lit candles, drank lots of coffee and tea, ate the most delicious cappuccino chocolate bar ever, and read a book for fun in an arne jacobsen egg chair…life is sweet!
in the past week i have made two stops at the hovedbibliotek, the public library about eight minutes away from DIS. i had coffee with two friends there last friday— their café is cute and not too expensive— and today i did some reading on their quiet study floor. the building itself is amazing (i guess i shouldn’t be surprised by that): you walk into a very open, natural-lit foyer through a gigantic revolving door. there are four floors that you can gaze at from the entryway; each has a different color scheme of neon lights. in their lobby opposite the café is a temporary art exhibit and a room covered by astroturf and fake plants. what an odd and wonderful place! i think i’ll be back there often to mix up my study breaks.
oh—in other news, i think i want to go into urban planning now. i realized that all this studying of urban morphology (history of copenhagen class) plus design plus immigration issues could all be combined in one field: urban planning. i was talking to a classmate of mine, a fellow anthropology major, who explained that was what she wanted to do. i looked some information up online and it seems to click perfectly! does anyone have any suggestions on this front? know anyone in the business that i could talk to? the only downside i can foresee is graduate school is pretty much a requirement.
this weekend i am heading to denmark’s oldest city, ribe, for an “academic adventure trip.” i don’t really know the details yet but a weekend spent with my wise history of copenhagen professor should be great! unfortunately i’ve got some midterms to conquer first…
http://www.wired.com/culture/design/magazine/17-03/pl_design# might interest you then!
Hi Auni! Glad to see you are doing well and enjoying life in København! I have a friend from college who is a city planner in Connecticut. She got her master's at UPenn. Let me know if you'd like me to put you in touch with her. I'm sure she'd be happy to answer questions.
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