although it felt pretty anticlimactic, i finished all my work for the semester today! i fly to l.a. tomorrow morning. the semester was fairly trying, but i know next semester will be even more so because i am taking nearly all methods classes (methods of sociology, methods of anthropology, history of sociology...) and will have increased responsibilities on campus. sophomore year, i think, is everyone's peak year at goucher. everyone goes abroad junior year and returns enlightened but indifferent to the everyday trials of campus life. so i plan on plunging in head-first into work and activities next semester, while i still care about abiding by bureaucratic policies.
on a lighter note, here are some photos from the past few weeks. they include gingerbread house-making, the amazing christmas lights in a baltimore neighborhood called hampden, and my lovely roommate maura with the menorah we lit every night... happy holidays!

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