this last week has been rather odd, but really good at the same time. the fourth of july is a much, much bigger deal out here than it is at home, which makes sense because this is where it happened. on the fourth, i felt the history radiating as we drove past lexington and walden pond too. after catering last weekend, tati and i went to visit our friend tova in providence, rhode island. the train ride there is less than an hour, and we somehow managed to ride it for free both ways. providence is bustling and colorful; it was a very pleasant surprise. highlights from the day including eating delicious falafel (one of my newfound favorite foods), playing duck duck goose with a group of high school kids doing the brown summer program, walking around the historic neighborhoods, and having a wonderful diner in the italian neighborhood called federal hill. the week got even better when i left work decidedly early on tuesday and took a train to worcester. almost immediately after arriving there, i hopped in a car with my good friend timmy, his buddy chris and chris’s girlfriend regina. those two just returned from a monthlong, nationwide tour with their folk-y band saint joe hazelwood. their final stop was at a basement show in providence- of all places- and they performed with four other largely acoustic groups. i thought the show was pretty cool except for when the last performer became so engrossed in his screaming and glockenspiel-playing that he ended up smashing a guitar (that was just frightening). the whole event, attended mostly by twenty-somethings from all over massachusetts, took place in the “thunder dome,” aka the basement of a house that is home to twelve “anarchists.” the peculiarity continued the next day- independence day- when timmy, chris and myself visited their other good friend jake in beverly, a little north of boston. first we skipped rocks into the atlantic ocean, and then watched an entire house of young college grads play a very serious game of “catchphrase.” we left beverly and the carful of worcester kids had to endure a rainy, humid, hourlong detour to drop me off in the southern end of boston before driving back to central massachusetts that night. not exactly a traditional fourth of july, but certainly a memorable one.
this workweek was so abbreviated because of the holiday, but it’s been busy with writing grants, designing their annual report, and helping with last-minute art festival coordination. and, of course, catering will dominate our saturday again. this routine is beginning to feel like just that— a routine. it’s refreshing to feel comfortable in this new place and even run into people i vaguely know. as much fun as i am having, however, i am also really looking forward to beginning school again.

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