
boston #1

i made it to boston in one piece, although my delayed, screaming baby-filled, turbulent redeye flight wasn't terribly pleasant. i didn't really sleep on the plane, however, after arriving in boston at 7 am yesterday, i found that i had a surprising amount of energy. my friend and host here tatiana and her mother met me at the airport and gave me a brief driving tour of the city. i'm so excited that i have this summer to explore it! it seems like a diverse, lively place and i love the fact that there is so much history here.

life got even more interesting today. tati and i woke up at 5 am (that is 2 am pacific time, which i am still kind of on after a sleepless night and weird midday nap yesterday) and put on our uniforms for our first catering job. it's so odd to think that a week ago, i was at home, hanging out with my childhood friends and worrying about the fact that i didn’t yet have a job lined up in boston. today i catered for harvard’s graduation- what an experience- lined up a meeting at my new workplace, the southwest boston community development center, and had to turn down a catering job for this weekend because suddenly i have plans to go to a concert with friends. it's a completely different world.

working at harvard was pretty surreal. we ran absurd amounts of food between the cook tent and the buffet tables, serving 3600 ivy league graduates and their families. it was very hard work physically, but provided great peoplewatching opportunities. that will be our night and weekend job, thank goodness, but i also somehow landed another part-time job. i will be working as an administrative/office staff member for a small non-profit in the neighborhood in which i am currently living, hyde park. it's convenient and in a field i’d like to go in to….how perfect! it's a real relief to find that position after applying to so many jobs in the past few months.

i will update again soon, hopefully after i get a chance to actually explore the city more this weekend. these are exciting times!

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